Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Last night in Elkton, Maryland with the Fishers

September 14, 2011
Today we had work and then hung out with the Fisher’s for our last night. We played Settlers of Catan, which is one of our favorite games, got some ice cream from Rita's, and just enjoyed our last night living with a family at a home. The Fisher’s have been so wonderful and we are so grateful to have such amazing friends and family who open up their lives and homes to us! It is truly a blessing and we are sad to be leaving such a warm and welcoming home and family!
Tomorrow we head back to Richmond Virginia for a few days, so it’s back to a hotel for Ben and I! Luckily, we don’t mind hotel life, it’s all part of the adventure and at this stage we are in, we are ok with the transition and moving around quite a bit. I’m sure as time goes on we will want to settle down and have a place to call our own, but right now it has been so much fun just traveling around, visiting different people and seeing so much of the United States in such a short period of time!

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