Monday, January 30, 2012

Sedona, Arizona

After a few days at the Tyrrell's we headed back to Maricopa, Arizona to meet with grandma and Avis. They were planning on heading to Sedona for the week at a time share and we decided to go along with them!!  We stayed in Sedona from January 20-27th.

Here are some of the pictures from our week in Sedona... Enjoy!!

Avis, me, Ben, Grandma

Molten Lava... we went to Sunset Crator where the valcano erupted about 1,000 years ago.

Sunset Crator

Mini Golf!!

Hiking in the red rocks of Sedona... so beautiful!

We went to visit Jerome for the afternoon

The large church within the red rock

Love these ladies!! Had so much fun hanging out, playing games and traveling with them:)


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