"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain."
I fell in love with it!
I liked it so much I might even change the name of our blog. Recently I even said to Ben (as we were unloading a very LARGE amount of items from the truck into the hotel room for our stay)... "I dont think we have a very good name for our blog..." Haha!
The original name came from our premarital couseling. The pastor talked about "walking lightly" through life, and not allowing the ups and downs of life to have a huge affect on the way we live. He spoke on having the ability to walk lightly through the storms, having fun, and enjoying every moment together no matter what comes. So that, plus the fact that we travel quite a bit is where 'Traveling Light' came from. It just seems like an oxymoron when we load the truck completely full for our months of travels for work and the title of our blog is "Traveling Light!" So we will see... maybe a few days from now the blog will be titled "Learning to Dance in the Rain"??
Although it didnt have an actual picture on it, my mind swarmed with different images and I even googled it to see if I could find a good one. This one was my favorite...

This paints a picture of how I would like to live my life. Life is never easy; there are always things that come up that are difficult, whether big or small. I believe it is what we do in those situations and how we react that can make all the difference. Sure, it wont change the fact that the situation is difficult, but it will give a completely different perspective and allow us to have joy even in the midst of sorrow and difficulty. I desire to have faith and joy like a child... and now it is my desire to learn how to run out and dance in the rain during the storms and difficulties of life.
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