April 4, 2012
"My son (daughter), if you accept my words and store up my commands within you, turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding, and if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for Silver and search for it as for hidden Treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God."
A big part of me does not even want to comment after because those verses are powerful and say really all there is to say. But I read those verses today and it hit me and drew out such passion within my heart. I want to write them all over the place to remind myself. I want to tell everyone about them and say, "Look, Look how easy it is! ALL we have to do is desire and seek wisdom and understanding. All I have to do is spend time in the Word with the Lord and obey the truth of what His Word says and I will find the knowledge of God and begin to understand the Fear of the Lord. The more I ask him to give me a greater passion and desire for him and for His wisdom, the more he will give it in abundance. The more I seek him, the more I will find him; it is no trick... He desires to be desired by us, his children, so when we seek him with all of our hearts, we will find him. He longs to spend time with us. Just like any other relationship we have, we cannot come to know him more and develop a stronger relationship if we never spend time with him, getting to know him and loving him more deeply through that time together. Our faith will never grow and we will not be blessed spiritually or in any way if we neglect our God and Savior, and then expect him to come through for us in the hard times.
There are a few different places throughout scripture that talk about seeking God and his wisdom as if it were hidden treasure. (For the life of me I cannot remember where they are, so if you recall them PLEASE let me know where to find them, thanks!)
Can you imagine if you found out there there was a huge chest of hidden treasure buried somewhere in your backyard? I dont know about you, but my guess is that MOST of us would run to Home Depot (or your local tool store) to buy shovels, if we didnt already have them, and head out to the backyard!! Not only that, I'm sure we would grab our family and friends for help (though not TOO many of them because let's be honest, the more people that help dig, the more we have to split the treasture).
So we run for the treasure! We race to it, we seek it, we dig for it, we spend hours and hours of hard back breaking labor to get to it... and the treasure that we pursue with that kind of excitement and passion may all too often be the worldly sorts of treasure... the treasure that fades and ultimately leads and comes to nothing. "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and dust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven; where moth and rust do not destroy, and where theives do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also". (Matthew 6:19-21)
When you hear that the Wisdom and the Fear of the Lord is a treasure that should be sought out as if it were silver, and searched for as gold, do you run to the Lord or to His Word in order to seek and search for it? Do you grab your family to tell them about it and ask them for their help in the search?? This is the treasure that matters, it is attainable and within reach and yet I think I forget about its true value and worth in my life. It is such an easy thing to do and yet sometimes business and LIFE gets in the way. But the thing to think about is... if it were a literal treasure chest hidden in the backyard in your dirt would it take top priority? Would you seek that treasure and the business of life that was there before suddenly can be pushed aside??
If the answer is yes, than there is a much higher, greater and unfathomable treasure that is real and is within our grasps. All we have to do is seek it, search for it, ask for it... All we need to do is spend time with the Lord, in His Word.
To be completely honest with you, I don't understand the importance and meaning of gaining Godly wisdom, understanding and the fear of the Lord. My little mind cannot quite grasp what it even means. I understand in my mind how it can be very important, but dont grasp how important it truly is. But since the Bible has a entire book on attaining Wisdom and understanding (Proverbs) and scripture speaks of its importance in many places... I am going to assume that I can only benefit and gain from seeking and searching for it. I may not even SEE any results or notice any transformation, but I can be sure that I am following God's Word and there is some heavenly benefit sometime down the road I'm sure!
Now... didnt that make you want to go search for some hidden treasure?
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