Unfortunately this is WAY past due, being that it was almost 2 months ago that we went to California... but I figure better late then never! Life has been pretty crazy since moving back to Minnesota and Ben starting his new job, (more on all of that later) which is why I have had zero time to keep this updated... So before it gets too late, I wanted to post some of the fun memories we made out in California with friends and family, bringing Jed out there for the first time!
We were blessed to be able to stay at Matt and Ashley's apartment at California Baptist University, where we used to live and I used to work. Matt and Ashley were friends that we made while being there that will be lifelong friends of ours. It was SUCH a wonderful three weeks living life with these two precious individuals! We miss them dearly, and greatly appreciate their love, generosity, hospitality and gracious they are to have let us stay there for 3 weeks! Yes... all THREE weeks with a baby, they were brave!
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Jed loved his cuddle time with Matt, but I'm pretty sure it was a mutual bonding time for both of them:) |
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Story time with Auntie Ash! Making daddy proud reading about the Dodgers! |
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The best of friends, coordinating their outfits, I thought only girls did that...:) |
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Cant get enough snuggles... |
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Trip up to Oak Glen Apple Orchards! |
Our family was only about 25 minutes from where we were staying, so we got to go over there just about every day to soak up as much time as we could with them!
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Jed got to meet his uncle Josh for the first time! Josh was on Thanksgiving break, so we got to see him for about a week!! |
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Jed got to meet uncle Kyle for the first time! And while out there, Jed gave his first REAL giggles to Kyle! |

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Jed got to meet Auntie Melissa and cousin Logan! |

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Logan LOVED Jed and always wanted to hold him, it was the sweetest thing! Jed didn't always feel the same, but they were good buddies! |
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Jed got to meet his Grandpa for the first time! |
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It didn't take Jed long to get acquainted with grandpa and feel comfortable enough to throw up on him! |
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Jed's first time meeting Grandma!! |
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Jed's first time meeting Auntie Kimmie! |
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Jed and grandpa enjoyed shopping together:) |
Jed went to look at Christmas lights for the first time with everyone and uncle Brian and aunt Brigette came as well!
Jed's first trip to the beach! Ben put his feet in to touch the ocean, but he wasn't such a big fan of the cold water...
Jed got to go to his first wedding to celebrate the marriage of Becca and Matt Okida! We saw many friends from APU and CBU, and it was so much fun catching up and having others meet Jed for the first time!
Jed also got to attend his first (and possibly only) bridal shower! We got to go and celebrate with Kristina Logan as she prepares to lose her (wonderful) last name and change it to Bond! We are so excited for you Tim and Tina!
Jed had so much fun, he got to meet so many more friends and family!

Then Jed and Logan got to take some professional pictures as a Christmas present for grandma and grandpa! It was so much fun watching them together...
We had so much fun being out in California and it definitely went too fast! It was such a joy for us to have Jed meet family and friends and really soak up those moments. We look forward to visiting again (hopefully) soon!!
Cant get over what a joy this little boy is he is growing and changing so much and so fast... More updates and pictures of him will be coming soon!