You know those
obnoxious people who post and post and post pictures of their babies and children?? Yea, me too. I
never wanted to be one of them... I said I would
never be one of them. Wrongly I'm sure I would talk about
those people and how they clog my feed...and...then... I had a baby. I became that person. I'm sorry for clogging your feed, and I won't be offended if you are tired of seeing all the pictures of my son. But I have come to realize as I look back through all the memories since the day he was born, that I am so glad I have those pictures. I am thankful to have taken so many photos and videos of his life up until now. If I had money for every time someone looks at Jed and says, "enjoy every moment... it goes by way too fast!" I think I might be rich by now. Ever since he was a baby, people have said that to us and we've always believed it would be true. Because of this, we have tried so hard to take advantage of EVERY moment and every stage and always stop ourselves before saying, "I cant wait until he can do .... [fill in the blank]. We knew that each moment and development would be gone before we knew it and we would likely wish it back someday... but even with that knowledge and intention, no matter how much we have tried to soak up each stage, It still
has gone way too fast and I cant believe Jedidiah is already 9 months. Today I found myself looking at some of his baby pictures as I was uploading photos to my computer, and it is truly amazing to see how much he has learned, and all the changes since the day he was born. Time flies so fast and already it's hard to remember what Jed was like when he was first born, or when he first started learning to crawl, or how sweet it was when he would sleep all day in my arms and I could just stare at him and snuggle him all day long.
I am often a critic of how obnoxious technology is and how it is consuming our lives. People are constantly on their phones, messaging others, searching the web, taking pictures rather than living in the moment and enjoying it... but I also have to stop and admit that it is a blessing. It is a blessing to be able to have such easy access to memories of Jed. It is those moments that I will cherish forever, those videos and pictures that will help me remember and enjoy the process of watching my son grow and change before my eyes. Sometimes I even wish I had taken more. My son is not even a year yet, but I am grateful to look back and remember the sweet moments up until now. If you are a parent... no matter how old your child is, let me encourage you to enjoy each moment... to soak up every stage and not wish the next one upon you too quickly... it will be here quicker than you know. And whether you are a crazy camera lady like me or not... I encourage you to take the photos and videos, you will never regret having those; but you may regret NOT taking them, and unfortunately you can never get those moments back.
And finally, I post and take pictures because it's so hard to
not share your greatest joy with friends and family. I want
all of our friends and family to be part of Jed's life and with so many of them across the country, the pictures and videos are the easiest way to allow them to watch him grow and change and to be a part of his life even from far away.
All that being said, here is the latest update of Jed at 9 months with lots of pictures!
Jed is now 17 pounds, 28 inches
He is in size 3 diapers and wears clothes anywhere from 3-12 months, but mostly 6 months
Has 2 teeth on bottom
Jedidiah is a big eater! He loves toast, cheerios and sweet potatoes the most. He still does not like his veggies much, but is fascinated when I put frozen peas on his tray. He knows when Ben and I are eating something he doesn't have, and he has decided that our food always looks better than his.
He recently found that he is opinionated, he will let us know very loudly when he wants something, and does not always like to be told, "no". He also loves talking, talking and more talking! He babbles all the time and loves saying "BaBa" and "DaDa".
Jed also loves climbing up and down the stairs! Last month he climbed all the way up the stairs on his own with daddy beside him... luckily daddy has also taught him how to come down feet first, so now he loves spending his time going up and down the steps. Jed is a mover... he does not sit or lay unless he is sleeping or being forced to have a diaper change. He loves standing at his toys and walking all around while holding our fingers for balance.
Jed loves people, babies, kids and dogs... so basically anyone and anything! He knows who mommy and daddy are and just recently has become a little bit more clingy, but most of the time will go to just about anyone unless he is tired or hungry.
New things:
He learned about 1 week ago to wave bye bye and goodnight.
Jed had his first plane ride and he did amazing! He NEVER falls asleep in our arms and somehow he fell asleep on my lap on almost the whole way there and the other part of it he was playing with the people in the seats next to us:) It was a huge answer to prayer!
His toy that he can stand by and play with that has music and lights is his favorite. Also loves the toy that he can push around while walking, it helps him balance and walk by himself. Lastly, he loves Sadie's toys... for some reason he goes for hers more than anything and gets so excited when he sees them lying in the floor.
Other things he loves:
When daddy throws him in the air
Going for walks in the stroller
Watching people
Roaming around and exploring
Getting put in his car seat
Being held
Having his diaper changed
Laying down on his back
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This is how he normally reads books... he has a hard time sitting still, but if he does sit still, he likes to eat the book:) |
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His first Easter, hanging with Daddy! |
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Hanging with Grandpa and cousin Cayden on Easter. |
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Going up the stairs with Sadie, we can't look away for more than a second. |
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Learning stairs with Daddy and Sadie |
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Playing with Great Grandpa! |
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Watching the snow in April! He was so fascinated with the big snow flakes falling |
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Hanging out at the Como Zoo |
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Brian, Amanda and Emery came to visit from Colorado! |
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Driving with Daddy! (Not really) |
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Heading to the terminal for our first plane trip ever! |
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Saying bye to Daddy as we headed to California |
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Sleeping and cuddling with me on the plane... this never happens. |
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Watching the exciting things from inside the plane |
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Hanging with Uncle Matt at Kristina and Tim's wedding! |
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Hanging with Auntie Ashley at the wedding |
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So much fun seeing friends from CBU at the Bond wedding! I didnt have my phone, so I didnt take pictures... I just stole these from Ashley:) |
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Got to spend some wonderful time with Mrs. Kim and meet cousin Nathaniel for the first time! |
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Loving on cousin Nathaniel:) |
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He LOVED Logan's toys... |
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Soaking up the time with Auntie Kimmie and Grandma! |
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Ice cream and Grandma Poochies! Poor Jed didnt get any... |
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Grandpa and Nathaniel:) |
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Jed went to his first baseball game! Hanging with Kimmie and Papa George |
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Mr. T teaching Logan all about baseball. |
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Auntie Melissa helping with bath time! |
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Jed got to go to Knott's with Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Kyle, Melissa, Kimmie, cousin Logan and Nathaniel! |
**Jed played and gave uncle Kyle some really good smiles towards the end of the trip, but I dont have those pictures! Hopefully I will post those later because they are so sweet!
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Saying goodbye at the airport :( |
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Sleeping on the way back too! |
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Another trip to the Zoo with cousins on the other side and Grandpa Johnson |
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Cousin Cayden and Amalia:) |
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Snuggling with Great Grandma Johnson |
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Out to eat with Mommy and Daddy celebrating selling the 5th wheel |
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Meeting cousin Asher for the first time! |
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See if you can count all of the Johnson side cousins... there are 6 kids in the picture:) |
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9 month pictures were a little more challenging! |
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Out for a walk! |
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9 month doctors appointment |
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Met our neighbor Lauren, they love playing together! |
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Got to go on Daddy's back while he fertilized the lawn:) |
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Playing with cousin Kennedy! |
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Practicing his gymnastics! |
My grandma and I have some of the exact same conversations each day, sometimes multiple times in the day... One of those conversations we have is:
Grandma: "Is it [being a mom] harder than you ever thought or expected?"
Me: "It is actually much easier than I expected, he makes it very easy."
Grandma: "so that means there will be more??"
Me: "Yes, that means we definitely will have more."
That about sums up how the last 9 months have been with Jedidiah.. we are blessed!