Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Heading to.... Washington DC!

September 28, 2011

Well, we arrived yesterday to our newest desination. We had just recieved about 16 new claims in Washington DC, so we headed from Vienna, Virginia to Lanham, Virginia near DC. We figured we didnt want to stay right in DC, so we are going to drive a little bit farther to get to the claims each day. But it will be worth it; a little less busy and a little less expensive!

A few of the fun things we got to see along our drive to work today:

Washington Monument

Jefferson Memorial

And for those of you who are just dying to know how the Focus is doing now that we got a new truck... Dont you worry, the focus is still alive, and running good as new!
It just got a brand new tire and is still faithful as ever. We like to call it the energizer bunny!

They look good together, don't they?

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