Tuesday, September 20, 2011

We can check North Carolina off our list!

September 18, 2011

After work today we drove about two hours down to Murfeesburo, North Carolina. Matt and Joy Phelps are good friends of the Logans and they live in Murfeesburo; since we were so close, we decided to stop by and see them for the afternoon!

We added another state! I work really hard at trying to get a picture of every state line we cross; Ben is a great at helping me accomplish this goal

Me (Heather)Joy, Matt, and one of their beautiful daughters, Abby.

We spent the day with Matt and Joy hanging out and getting a tour of the college where they work. Matt is the head soccer coach at Chowan University, so we got to see the whole campus and even got some Chowan soccer shirts to take home as souvenirs:)

There's my handsome and wonderful husband!!!:) I made him model his new Chowan soccer shirt for me, isnt he good looking??

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