Saturday, September 17, 2011

A warm bowl of soup + a cold day = perfect

September 17, 2011

Happy Birthday to our wonderful sister Melissa Logan! Hope you enjoy your big day! Love you:)

Today in between claims we saw this house:

Luckily, this house had been forclosed and noboday was living in it. But you can see that a tree completely fell on it and destroyed the entire house. That is by far the worst damage we have seen here and luckily it did not effect anyone directly.

Once we were done inspecting we headed back to the hotel. I guess fall is coming because I could not wait to get back, cook some soup and cuddle under a blanket! Somehow I feel like we skipped right over summer because it went way too fast! Luckily fall brings such beautiful colors and crisp cool air; I'm looking foward to seeing what fall looks like in Virginia.

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