Sunday, November 6, 2011

And then there were THREE...

November 5, 2011

We seem to have added another member to our family! And no, we are not pregnant (sorry family, you still need to wait on either Melissa or Brianna for that one) Todd Kounse, Ben's older cousin was recently called up here for the same storm and he arrived today. We decided to all stay together and we all moved our stuff into the hotel room today.
After getting all of our stuff situated in the room it was time for dinner and Todd asked what we were planning on doing for dinner. We informed him of our "usual" dinner while on the road and he decided to be adventurous and daring, and tried a brat and potato with us for dinner. Unfortunetely, it was not a good night for him to try it! The sweet potatoes normally get soft in the microwave after just a little bit, but not these ones! Maybe it was the microwave or something, I'm not quite sure, but as Ben was eating it, he said it seemed like he was eating carrots!... not so appetizing when you are actually eating a sweet potatoe.
So all in all, Todd will hopefully be willing to try it again sometime. But dont go asking Todd about our meals on the road; I dont think he will have very positive feedback as of yet.

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