Saturday, November 12, 2011

Costco... enough said.

November 12, 2011

Not much is new since I last posted. We are still in Hartford, Connecticut and still getting more claims. We got 23 new claims in the last 2 days, so it looks like we may be eating a microwavable dinner for Thanksgiving! Haha, we may have to get REAL creative for that one. I wonder how well turkeys cook in the microwave? I'm not sure so I want to find out...
Things are a whole lot better around here as far as damage. We are no longer driving over and under fallen power lines, thank goodness! Things have been mostly cleaned up and power has FINALLY been restored to all the surrounding areas.

In other news, we haven't scared Todd off yet. He is still with us in the hotel room and tolerating our dinners! Though I doubt he will go home to his wife Shaina and suggest microwave dinners in the near future. We are having a good time and are looking forward to the Republican debate tonight. (There isnt much to do in hotels, or much to look forward to, so we decided that the one thing that will stay consistant that we can follow for the next year is the presidential election). So we make popcorn, or eat ice cream, while playing games and watching the republicans argue back and forth about different issues. Sounds entertaining, right??

That's about all the news here for now. I will keep you all updated when we find out where/when we are leaving for our next destination. But as of right now we are staying in Connecticut for at least another week. 

One really nice thing about this job is that we get done inspecting usually around 1 or 2 in the afternoon. So after inspecting four claims Ben and I drove to the nearest Costco to get some free samples and buy a few things. But of course we couldnt pass up the $1.50 ice cream bars with chocolate and almonds from the food court! If you havent tried it, I would highly recommend it; it's one of our favorite things to get... and you can't really go wrong, it's ice cream!

So our highlight for today (because the debate hasnt happened yet ;)...) was our ice cream bars!

Yea, they're HUGE... and delicious!

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