Friday, November 25, 2011

Big Dogs+ Insurance adjuster in backyard= a mess

November 22, 2011

A few days ago as we were inspecting the homeowner's backyard for storm damage, from a distance I see Ben almost slip and fall on the lawn. Then I hear the homeowner say, "Yea be careful, I dont think the dog's mess has been cleaned up recently so it is all over back here." Putting the two and two together made me laugh a little. Then later as I was holding the ladder for Ben I noticed some of the dog poop had gone from Ben's shoe to the ladder. I looked up at him with a gross look on my face and he responds, "Yea... I'm not very happy about that." So on the way home we stopped to get some cleaning supplies that that we could give the ladder a wash when we got back to the hotel.

That was about enough excitement for one day...

The finished product! Looks like new:)

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