Friday, November 25, 2011

Our first Thanksgiving as the Logans

November 25, 2011

Yesterday Ben and I spent our first Thanksgiving together... it was great! We didnt have any appointments scheduled, as you can imagine nobody wanted to have their home inpected on Thanksgiving! So we slept in and just hung out and relaxed in the morning. We didnt really want to just sit in the hotel all day, we wanted to be around people! So we went to Starbucks and played a few different games and just hung out there for while since nothing else was really open. (You realize how difficult it is that everything is closed on the holidays once you are not with family and you dont have much to do!)

Then we went to Wal-Mart, got some good snacks and headed to the movie theaters for the beginning of our date. We saw two different movies: Tower Heist and Jack and Jill. We thought they were both pretty good, and we both stayed awake through BOTH of them:) The more impressive part of that is that BEN stayed awake for both of them. Yes, I am quite sure he is changing... the man who could hardly stay awake once the TV is turned on, stayed awake in a dark theater through 2 movies! I was pretty impressed.

Once the movies had ended we headed out for dinner. After a little researching, we found that Cracker Barrell does it's own Thanksgiving dinner, how great is that?!!? So we decided that that is where we would have our Thanksgiving meal. It was really good and we had such a great server! It is a bummer to be working on the holidays, so we tried to brighten up her day a little so she would enjoy her job and her Thanksgiving away from her family.

It came with a lot of food! It had sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, turkey, stuffing and gravy, cranberry sauce, corn bread,  rolls, a drink and pie at the end!

Our first Thanksgiving together:)

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