Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Heading out to Hartford, Connecticut

Monday October 31, 2011

We got up and packed the rest of our stuff as we waited for them to give us the specific destination. We found out we were heading up to Hartford, Connecticut and headed out around 11am. We were on our next adventure, not knowing how long we will be away or where we will be going; but that is all part of the fun of it! However, we have decided to begin calling our apartment our vacation home. We have only been there a couple of weeks this year, and it seems that that is normally the way vacation homes work; I guess that means that either our car or the hotel rooms would be what we call “home”. So if any of you out there reading would like to get away for a day, a week, or a month and think that Texas sounds like a good place to land, let us know! We have an apartment that is paid for each month that is only occupied with our belongings; so we would love to put you up if you would likeJ

We drove until about 11pm, when we began getting sleepy and decided to pull over and stay in a hotel for the night. We stayed in Mississippi for the evening.

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