Monday, January 30, 2012

Heading HOME!

January 28, 2012

Well, after quite a LONG detour throughout Arizona, we are finally truly heading back to our apartment! We are heading out today to the Tyrrell's for Matthew's Cord of Honor ceremony. We will spend the night there and head for Texas early on Sunday morning!

January 29, 2012

The ceremony was really neat. It was an absolutely BEAUTIFUL day in Tucson, AZ! While we were sitting outside for the ceremony I started to sweat! Crazy... We were able to meet a lot of friends and family of the Tyrrell's while hanging out that evening there. We ordered pizza, played games and watched the basketball game. We got in the car around 7:00am this morning to begin our journey back home... aka our vacation home! We have no idea how long we will be there this time, but hopefully long enough to at least get unpacked! It is a 14 hour drive from Tucson to Lago Vista, Texas... hopefully it goes fast:)

January 30, 2012

Home sweet home! We got in last night right around 10pm. Luckily when we left we cleaned our apartment well; so we walked in the door to a clean and extremely vacant apartment just the way we left it:) The drive went fast and smooth, thank you God... no problems at all! Now it is time to unpack, hang out, pray and see what God has in store for the next few weeks (maybe months???) while we are here! Though we still haven't quite gotten acquainted with Lago Vista and our apartment, there is always something nice about just being home with all of our stuff! I will keep you updated on our time here in Texas...And since it is just Ben and I, I should do a much better job keeping it updated! Thanks for continuing to travel with us on this crazy and wonderful journey!

Sedona, Arizona

After a few days at the Tyrrell's we headed back to Maricopa, Arizona to meet with grandma and Avis. They were planning on heading to Sedona for the week at a time share and we decided to go along with them!!  We stayed in Sedona from January 20-27th.

Here are some of the pictures from our week in Sedona... Enjoy!!

Avis, me, Ben, Grandma

Molten Lava... we went to Sunset Crator where the valcano erupted about 1,000 years ago.

Sunset Crator

Mini Golf!!

Hiking in the red rocks of Sedona... so beautiful!

We went to visit Jerome for the afternoon

The large church within the red rock

Love these ladies!! Had so much fun hanging out, playing games and traveling with them:)


So long California.... we are heading for Arizona!

January 10, 2012

We left CA and headed on our way back to Texas. Saying goodbye is never easy:( We had such a fun time in CA and were able to do so many fun things with family and friends! Thank you everyone for such a blessed time! We look forward to coming back to visit!

On our way out we decided to make a stop at In-N-Out since we hadnt been there yet... it's a MUST Do when you are in CA, so we did:)

 We were planning on staying with the Tyrrell's in Tucson; but then we found out my grandma and her sister Avis were nearby in Arizona. So we stopped by to spend a night there and hang out with them for the day.
We went out for Mexican lunch:)

January 12, 2011

We headed to the Tyrrell's house and spent a few days there. We have SO enjoyed hanging out with so many different family and friends along this trip! We went out to Cracker Barrell with Ms. Kim one of the days for lunch!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

California fun continued...

January 1, 2012

(Not sure if this is the actual date that we did this)... but Josh and Mark were away for a week with the Sea Cadet program. On the final awards day we got to meet up with them and practice some shooting!

We got to get in and learn all about Sargent McGraw's truck:)

Dont mess with the Logans...

January 2, 2012

The weather had been beautiful pretty much the entire time we were there, so we spent another day at the beach playing games and sand frisbee! Then Ty met up with us and we got to hang out with him for the evening:)

I saw this car with the surf board on it and had to get a picture... looked like a "typical" CA car.

Ty spent the night... it was teethbrushing time:)
January 3

Another hiking day! We hiked to little cross... and through all kinds of brush that didnt actually include a path:)

Other fun things....

We got to meet Rachael, Joe and the girls for lunch one afternoon! :)

Dan Moore and Ty came over and we went biking through Malibu Creek State Park

There was a hollow tree that you could climb through... pretty cool!

Making homemade pizzas!

                          Ben Josh and Casey Blake taking down Christmas lights!

Favorite afternoon activity.... Games during lunch!

                                                           Casey Blake hangs out and plays games with us too:)

Having fun with Kimmer:)