Monday, January 23, 2012

Our birthday bash! (November 30, 2011)

November 30, 2011

As most of you probably know, Ben and I get to celebrate our birthday together. (I always say that he was God’s BEST birthday gift to me; because the day I turned one, Ben was born.

 We started our birthday celebration one day early this year. We got to spend the day with Todd, Shana and their family. They live in San Antonio, which is about an hour and a half from us, so we went out there for the day. We hung out for the day, played games and they cooked us a delicious dinner of BBQ ribs, corn on the cob, and chocolate birthday cake! We left their house around 10 after our intense game of Settlers of Catan had ended.

December 1, 2011
This is the first birthday that Ben and I have been able to celebrate together, so it was a lot of fun! We got up in the morning and talked with friends and family; then I made some homemade banana and nutella crepes for breakfast on our “You are Special” Plate.

This is the view of the back of our apartment (the picture was taken from the elevator)
We got ready for the day and headed over

 to Gene and Annie’s. They took us out to lunch and we spent the afternoon with them. For

dinner we went back to our apartment and cooked dinner together. We had stuffed peppers,

 steak and homemade ice cream cake! Then we packed up and headed to bed so we could

 be ready for our early morning departure to California.

Ben cooking our steaks on our George Foreman grill

Our homemade ice cream cake!

December 2, 2011—Left early in the morning for California, stayed overnight in Tucson, AZ with the Tyrrell’s (good friends of the Logan’s).

December 3, 2011- We arrived in California!

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