Sunday, March 25, 2012

Our NEWEST and latest adventure!

Thursday March 22, 2012

Ok, so this whole story begins back a few weeks ago....

When Ben and I first moved out here we really had nothing in our apartment besides LOTS of clothes, and our wedding gifts... so we furnished our apartment almost fully on garage sales (besides the things like a mattress and other things that NEED to be bought new, dont worry!) Through that we began our almost weekly Saturday morning garage saleing. I'm always amazed that as we leave Ben asks... "is there anything we need?" I respond by saying... "No, I dont think so...." and somehow we always end up coming back with SOMETHING that apparently we needed. In all seriousness though, we have found some really super nice things through it and we have fun doing it!

Anyways.... a few weeks ago we went to a garage sale and Ben saw a two-person kayak for sale. We sort of looked at it, jokingly dreamed of how fun it would be to get it, asked what they were selling it for, and then went on our way. After leaving, we continued to think more and more about it and how much fun it would be to have a kayak since we live right on a lake! So we went back in high hopes the following day to see if they still had it. Unfortunately they were not home and we were out of luck. Then a couple of days ago as we were on one of our daily visits to Costco, what did we see?? A nice two-person bright red Kayak! Can you believe it? So again we thought about it... measured it and wondered whether or not it would fit in our storage unit in the garage. We came to the conclusion that it would and finally decided we were going to buy it. So last Wednesday we headed to the Costco in Austin on a mission: to buy our kayak, head home to our apartment and venture out onto the water for a hard core arm workout and exploring!

Apparently everyone else had the same idea as we did, because as we arrived at Costco we saw the LAST kayak sitting on a cart waiting for the buyer to pick it up. It made me think of one of those funny movies like "Jingle all the Way" where a big fight breaks out for the last item... no, that didnt happen, I dont think Ben is quite the type to break out in a fight over a purchase and neither am I....:) but we were pretty bummed!

The GOOD NEWS..... 
We found out they had kayaks at the San Antonio Costco:) Lucky for us we were heading that way for work on Thursday, and it is also very close to where our cousins Todd and Shaina live and they just had a baby boy named Tucker. So we could kill THREE birds with one stone.

Our truck being put to good use to carry our kayak!

Buying our new life jackets in Costco!

NOTHING better than some ice cream to celebrate!!

Ben, Cooper and the newest addition: Tucker Todd Kounse:)

The Ben, the two older siblings Cooper, Piper and their new baby brother Tucker.

Needless to say we had a LOT of fun on Thursday! We went out and worked the claim in Austin, headed to Costco, purchased our brand new kayak, bought some ice cream in celebration, sat in the bed of the truck to enjoy the beautiful day, and then headed to Todd and Shaina's house to visit and see their beautiful new baby boy. I would say it was an extremely successful and adventure filled day:)

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