Friday, May 11, 2012

Louisville Slugger Baseball Bat Factory

We had heard that the Louisville Slugger Baseball Bat Factory and Museum was here in Louisville and a few of the people we talked to around town said it is a MUST see (of course they were huge baseball fans, so of course they would say that!) So, since we got done a little earlier today than most days we took advantage of the BEAUTIFUL day, perfect weather and a littler bit of freedom and headed to downtown Louisville to see the museum!
We parked the truck, ate a quick picnic lunch out by the water and walked to the museum just around the corner.

Our lunch: Chocolate Rice cakes, peanut butter and raisins on top. If you havent tried them, they are delicious! And even better... they are gluten free!

I just have to show you our really good looking shoes that we wear on the roofs... Yes, we are matching. How cute right?

Looks just like every other picture we take, but at least you get a different back drop each time:)

Louisville Slugger Museum

Ben... Like a little kid in a candy store:)

Unfortunately they wouldnt let us take any pictures INSIDE the factory, they were afraid we were spys from another bat museum trying to take their ideas... I dont blame them, Ben and I do look pretty suspicious.

And one of the best parts about the museum?? They gave us each a free mini Louisville Slugger bat! (Which probably came from our $11.00 entrance fee, but it still felt free!)

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