Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Goodbye Wyoming, it's been fun!

We stayed in Laramie for about a week and a half. Once the fair ended we moved into Cheyenne and found a hotel that was close to our claims. We stayed at this cute little hotel that owned the diner across the street called Peggy’s Diner.  
The Diner that was right across the street from our hotel in Cheyenne.

 It was a lot of fun because rather than having breakfast in the hotel, they gave us vouchers to order breakfast from the diner. We could use the vouchers for anything on the menu, at any time... and we did! We had some late night milk shakes! And the NOT so wise, EARLY morning milkshakes… (I would suggest not to get a vanilla milkshake at 8 in the morning before work, but it was fun!)
Best way to start off the morning: some cards, hashbrowns, eggs, and milkshakes!!

Our wonderful server making out milkshakes

We ended up staying in Cheyenne for about another 3 ½ weeks, and then they told us we were free to go.

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