Friday, May 11, 2012

Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal: Gluten Free

This is one recipe that I found I can do anywhere! It is simple and all I need is a microwave! (For my life that is perfect!) It is healthy, easy, and the combination of flavors and textures is delicious!

My own Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal recipe:
(Not my own photo)
What You Will Need:

½ C. dry oatmeal (I use gluten free)
1 C. water (or milk of your choice)
1/2 an apple cut up in small chunks
¼ C. raisins (or other dried fruit of your choice)
1 T. coconut
½ T. agave (More or less depending on how sweet you want it. You can also use honey)
1 T. ground flax
¼ C. almonds (or any nuts of your choice, chopped)
Cinnamon- as much as you like!
Preparing the Oatmeal:
In a small bowl add your dry oats, water, apple and some cinnamon. Cook on high for 5 minutes, keeping an eye on it to make sure it doesn’t overflow.
 Once cooked, stir in the rest of your ingredients and enjoy! (I actually found that I like eating it cold; so I will make it, cover it up and stick it in the fridge to enjoy the next day. The flavors seem to soak in a bit more...Mmm Mmm.

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